Tandava and Lasya
Like Marga and Desi classification in Music,the division of Tandava and Lasya is significant.According to Bharatha,Tandava is constituted by difficult poses and Angaharas.Tandava is the masculine form of dance while Lasya anga is the feminine for.They are attributed to Lord Siva and Parvathi respectively.
Forma of Tandava..
1.Sandhya Tandava
2.Ananda Tandava
3.Kali or Shakthi Tandava
4.Tripura Tandava
5.Sati and Siva Tandava
6.Ardhanari Tandava
7.Samhara Tandava.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Angikam Bhuvanam Yasya
"Whose limbs are the world
Vachikam Sarva Vangmayam
Whose song and poetry are the essence of all language
Aaharyam Chandra Taradi
Whose costume is the moon and the stars
TamVande Sattvikam Shivam
We bow to Him the benevolent one..
what is meant by salangai pooja?
salangai pooja is the maiden performance of a dancer where the artists seek biessings from Lord Nataraja and the Guru.The salangai is considered to have received power and is treated with respect and care
Arangetram orginates from the sanskrit term'Rangapravesham'or debut.It is the first appearance on the public platform after completion of the precribed course of study.
Angikam Bhuvanam Yasya
"Whose limbs are the world
Vachikam Sarva Vangmayam
Whose song and poetry are the essence of all language
Aaharyam Chandra Taradi
Whose costume is the moon and the stars
TamVande Sattvikam Shivam
We bow to Him the benevolent one..
what is meant by salangai pooja?
salangai pooja is the maiden performance of a dancer where the artists seek biessings from Lord Nataraja and the Guru.The salangai is considered to have received power and is treated with respect and care
Arangetram orginates from the sanskrit term'Rangapravesham'or debut.It is the first appearance on the public platform after completion of the precribed course of study.
Sunday, February 6, 2011

1.ABINAYA: Expression to convey ideas.
2.Adavu:Basic unit performed by the body in dance;a sequence of pure dance.These are the combinations and gestures used for dance.
3.Aharya:Abhinaya through costumes or alankaras.
4.Alarippu:Invocatoryitem in a dance performance.
5.Anga:Parts of a Body.
6.Aramandali:Semi circular posture used in dance with knee kept bending slightly apart.
7.Asamyutahastas:Hand movements of single handed gestures.
8.Bhava:Means expressions.
9.Cholkettu:Rhythmic syllables set in tala and recited for dance by Nattuvanar.
10.Gestures or Hasthas:Mudras used in dance for conveying ideas.
11.Karanas:Combined movements of hands and feet.There are 108 karanas.
12.Korvai:Combinations of adavus in specified manner becomes korvais.
13.Mudras:Hand gestures used for dances.
14.Nataka:Drama or play.
15.Nritta:Purely foot work.Involves mainly movements of feet and body.
16.Nritya:Combines Nritta and Natya i.e., Footwork and Abhinaya.
17.Raga:A musical form figuring in music.
18.Samyuta:Gestures involving both hands,double hand gestures.
19.Tandava:Masculine form of dance,its originator is Lord Siva.
20.Upanga:Limbs of the body shoulder,eyes cheeks etc.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Brahmam Okate Song with Lyrics.
Brahmam Okate lyrics.thandanana ahi (brahma okaTE) raagam: bowLi 15 maayamaaLava gowLa janya Aa: S R1 G3 P D1 S Av: S N3 D1 P G3 R1 S OR naadanaamakriyaa 15 maayamaaLava gowLa janya Aa: S R1 G3 M1 P D1 N3 Av: N3 D1 P M1 G3 R1 S N3 taaLam: aadi Composer: Annamaacaarya Language: Telugu pallavi tandanAnA Ahi tandanAnA purE tandanAna bhALa tandanAnA bhaLA brahmamokaTE para brahmamokaTE brahmamokaTE para brahmamokaTE caraNam 1 kanduvagu hInAdhikamu lindulEvu andariki shrI harE antarAtmA indulO jantukulamu intA okaTE andariki shrI harE antarAtmA caraNam 2 ninDAra rAjU nidrincu nidrayu okaTE anDanE baNTu nidra adiyu okaTE meNDaina brahmANuDu meTTu bhUmi okaTE caNDAlundEti sari bhUmi okaTE caraNam 3 anugu dEvatalakunu ala kAma sukhamokaTE ghanakITa pashuvulaku kAma sukham okaTE dIna mahOrAtramulu tegi dhanAdyuna-kokaTE vonara nirupEdakunu okaTE aviyu caraNam 4 koralu SiSTnnamulu gonu nAkkalokaTE tirugu duSTAnnamulu dinu nAkkalokaTE paragu durgandhamulapai vAyuvokaTE varusha parimaLamupai vAyuvokaTE caraNam 5 kaDagi Enugu mIda kAyu eNda okaTE pudami suanakamu mIda bolayu-nendokaTE kaDu puNyalanu pApa karmulanu sarigAva jaDiyu shrI venkaTEShvaru nAma-mokaTE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meaning: pallavi: "Tandanana" is a word giving the punch of rhythm in the song. Ahi, Pure, Bhala are the words expressing the excitement or ecstasy or appreciation. The absolute spirit is one & only one. caraNam 1: There are no differences of low & high. "Srihari" (A name of Vishnu. Vishnu is the form of God who is in charge of maintenance, protection of the good & destruction of the bad. In this context, Srihari is the Supreme Spirit) is the indwelling Spirit to one and all. All the beings in creation are one because the indwelling spirit in every creature is one and the same. caraNam 2: Sleep is same to all, be it a king or a servant. Be it a "Brahmin" (man of the highest caste) or "Chandala" (man of the lowest caste), the earth they live on is the one and the same. caraNam 3: The sensual pleasure is one and the same either for angels or for the insects and animals. The day and night are equal to the rich as well as to the poor. caraNam 4: One could afford to eat tasty food and the other the condemned food. But the tongues that taste the food are alike. An object of fragrance or an object of foul smell, the air that carries the smell is one and the same. caraNam 5: Be it an elephant or a dog, the sun shines alike on both of them. For the good and the bad, Lord Venkateshwara alone is "The Savior". s.

2.Tripathaka--Keeping bhindhi.
3.Ardhapathaka--Half flag.
4.Kartharimukhaha--Showing eyes.
6.Ardhachandrasya--Half moon.
7.Arala--Drinking poison,cyclone.
8.Sukathunda--Parrot's head.
9.Mushti--Holding something.
12.Katakamukha--Plucking flowers.
13.Suchi--to point something.
14.Chandrakala--Cresent moon.
15.Padmakosha--Lotus bud.
16.Sarpasiras--Snake head.
17.Mrugashirsha--Deer's head.
18.Simhamukha--Lion's face.
19.Kangula--Jamun fruit.
20.Alapadmaka--Fully bloomed lotus.
21.Chathura--To say four/square.
22.Bhramara--Honey bee.
23.Hamsasya--Doing medidation.
24.Hamsapaksha--Swan's wings.
26.Mukula--Flower bud.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Bharathanatyam Items.
Pushpanjali:A floral salutation to Mother earth,gods,the Guru,the musicians and the audience.
Alarippu:A simple rhythmic piece set in three speeds(Vilambam,Madyamam,and Drutham.
Kauttuvam:A simple praise on any god-combination of syllables and lyrics.
Jatiswaram:A rhythmic piece interspersed with Jathis and swaras.
Sabdam:Popularly known as yashogetham it forms a prelude to the adhinaya aspect in Bharathanatyam.
Varnam:As the name indicates varnam means colours.varnam gives an excellent combination of Nritta and Abinaya exhibiting a wide variety of emotions.This forms the crux of the Bharathanatyam reportoire.
Svarajati:It has combination of Jathis,Swaras and lyrics.
Padam:A Purely Abinaya piece exploting the different shades of Nayika and Nayaka.
Kirtanam:This is usually full of Bhakthi bhava and it is interlinked with small adavu combinations to increase its charm.
Javali:An expressional piece set in fast tempo usually composed in colloquial language.
Ashtapadi:An item based on the great text written by Jayadevar.It explains the union of Krishna and Radha.
Thillana:The concluding piece of a Bharathanatyam recital with complicate nritta patterns.
Mangalam:The final benediction offered.
Alarippu:A simple rhythmic piece set in three speeds(Vilambam,Madyamam,and Drutham.
Kauttuvam:A simple praise on any god-combination of syllables and lyrics.
Jatiswaram:A rhythmic piece interspersed with Jathis and swaras.
Sabdam:Popularly known as yashogetham it forms a prelude to the adhinaya aspect in Bharathanatyam.
Varnam:As the name indicates varnam means colours.varnam gives an excellent combination of Nritta and Abinaya exhibiting a wide variety of emotions.This forms the crux of the Bharathanatyam reportoire.
Svarajati:It has combination of Jathis,Swaras and lyrics.
Padam:A Purely Abinaya piece exploting the different shades of Nayika and Nayaka.
Kirtanam:This is usually full of Bhakthi bhava and it is interlinked with small adavu combinations to increase its charm.
Javali:An expressional piece set in fast tempo usually composed in colloquial language.
Ashtapadi:An item based on the great text written by Jayadevar.It explains the union of Krishna and Radha.
Thillana:The concluding piece of a Bharathanatyam recital with complicate nritta patterns.
Mangalam:The final benediction offered.
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