Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Bharathanatyam's three components.
movement,mime and music contribute equally in its performence.Here the term"BHARATHA" stands for bhava(mood) raga(music) and tala(rhythm) and is these components(BHA+RA+TA) ans natyam,as we have already stated, means nritya combined with abhinaya.Here it should not be mistaken to be the name of 'ACHARYA BHARAT' though now what is called as Bharathanatyam accords well with the nritya expounded by him in the natyasastra. Bharathanatyam is a solo lasya(tendor and erotic) dance,generally performed by a danseuse and sometimes by a danseur well.No doubt it is based on the theme of love,but it is invariably devotional in essence and never sensual.It is equally and evenly divided into nrita(abstract dance) and nritya(expressive dance). The nattuvanaras or the conductors of the dance recital, would present the dance in such sequence of stages like a bud bursting into a blossom of unmatched beauty,colour and splender.

1 comment:

  1. The symbolism of Siva Nataraja is religion, art and science merged as one. In God's endless dance of creation, preservation, destruction and paired graces is hidden a deep understanding of our universe. Aum Namah Sivaya. Bhashya Nataraja, the King of Dance, has four arms. The upper right hand holds the drum from which creation issues forth. The lower right hand is raised in blessing, betokening preservation. The upper left hand holds a flame, which is destruction, the dissolution of form. The right leg, representing obscuring grace, stands upon Apasmarapurusha, a soul temporarily earth-bound by its own sloth, confusion and forgetfulness. The uplifted left leg is revealing grace, which releases the mature soul from bondage. The lower left hand gestures toward that holy foot in assurance that Siva's grace is the refuge for everyone, the way to liberation. The circle of fire represents the cosmos and especially consciousness. The all-devouring form looming above is Mahakala, "Great Time." The cobra around Nataraja's waist is kundalini shakti, the soul-impelling cosmic power resident within all. Nataraja's dance is not just a symbol. It is taking place within each of us, at the atomic level, this very moment. The Agamas proclaim, "The birth of the world, its maintenance, its destruction, the soul's obscuration and liberation are the five acts of His dance." Aum Namah Sivaya.
